Affirmative Action Plan Software Tracking | AAP Software
The Challenge: Manually Tracking Affirmative Action Data
If you are like most employers between 20 and 2000 employees, who are trying to be compliant with their Affirmative Action Plan, you probably are tired of spending your time and budget paying for manual input and tracking of your applicant data. You probably have a large spreadsheet somewhere that you are constantly updating with applicant data, source and job information, and disposition classifications. Not only is this a labor intensive and expensive way to track the data, many times the data is incomplete because of inconsistent entry into the spreadsheet. You might fall behind in the entry during heavy recruiting times, and then have to go back and try to re-create the information when it comes time to generate the report. There is a better way.
Watch the short video below to see a better way!
The Solution: Affirmative Action Plan Tracking Software
Streamlined Hiring & Automated Affirmative Action Reporting
iApplicants can help you to expand your applicant pool, speed up your time to hire, and make you more effective at screening your candidates. As an added bonus, if you use iApplicants to manage your hiring process it will automate the collection and reporting of your Affirmative Action Plan.
How it Works
Automatic Collection of Affirmative Action Applicant Data
iApplicants will allow you to collect the required Affirmative Action data, including race and gender, on each applicant who applies for your openings. This data will be stored in your applicant database, hidden from your hiring managers, but tracked for reporting purposes.
Tracking Applicants by Job, Source, & Disposition
iApplicants can be set to require each applicant to apply for at least one specific position, and will tie that job and job classification to the applicant for reporting purposes. Next, applicants will be tracked by their source, to be retrieved if your affirmative action plan requires source tracking on the applicant log report. Finally, the status functions in our system can be customized to allow you to classify the reasons why applicants were not considered for a given position.
Customized Affirmative Action Log Report
Since iApplicants has all of your applicant data automatically being entered into a single database at the time of application, attaching the applicants to specific jobs, and tracking them throughout your hiring process with reason codes, it is very simple for us to build a custom affirmative action tracking log report based on your company’s affirmative action plan. You simply provide us with a sample of your current log report, and we will build one identical to it. It will have the same fields and be in the same order.
Instantly Creates Your Affirmative Action Log Report
To run the log report, you will simply login to your iApplicants site, click on the log report, and select the date range. Within just a few seconds your log report will appear and you can print it out or download it into excel. No more data entry at the time of application, all of the necessary data will be automatically stored in the database through the normal course of your recruiting and screening process.