Job Interview Questions That Can Pre-Qualify Applicants!
Looking for Specific Information Based on the Job?
Ask up to 10 questions specific to each job!
iApplicants allows you to add job specific questions that can be specific information about each of your position or positions that they are applying for. Consider a quick first interview that can be automatically conducted at the time of application. You can ask fewer questions if you want, but the system allows up to 10 job interview questions that are entered at the time you post the job. Each applicant will be asked to answer the questions after they have submitted your standard employment application. If the applicant applies for multiple positions, then they will be asked the job interview questions from each of the jobs they are applying for. This is an excellent way to sift through a large applicant pool to quickly find those people who fit the job description, all based on job interview questions you set up.
Here is a sample of our Job Interview Questions:

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