Some Simple Steps to Becoming a Strategic Hirer

If you’re an HR professional, you’ve likely heard the term “strategic” thrown around about a thousand times throughout your career. HRCI says it. SHRM says it. And your bosses definitely say it. So why is adopting a more strategic approach so dang hard? I think the primary reason being more strategic is difficult is that it’s not simply a goal to strive for and achieve once, it’s a mindset. Having a strategic mindset means that you’re aligned to the goals of the vision of the company as a whole and you’re committed to it for the long haul. Strategic means that you understand on even the most minute levels how your decisions impact the company as a whole and you design goals around the strategic vision your C-suite has for the company. This includes every facet of your position, including hiring. So how do you create a hiring plan that aligns with your company’s strategic vision? Here are a few tips to help you get started: Strategic hiring means cutting costs by increasing hiring speed. Many of our clients didn’t believe that it was possible to increase their hiring speed without spending more money until they realized that their recruiting approach could be greatly improved with a little strategic tweaking. One of the easiest ways to cut down your time to hire is to dedicate more time to writing a strategic job ad. If you write a job ad that appeals to the type of person you think would be a good fit with the culture of your company, you’ve already eliminated a significant portion of the work involved in screening out applicants that wouldn’t be a good fit. And speaking of. . .