How to Improve Your Hiring Process in Two Simple Steps

Having a well-defined and measurable hiring process is the most beneficial tool you can have in your hiring toolkit. While most HR professionals probably feel as though they have a firm grasp on what it truly means to have a hiring process, I’ve seen a lot of our clients struggle with this idea. Not because they fail to grasp the essentialness of having a hiring process, but rather, they think they have a specific process, when in reality, they simply react to needing to fill an empty seat at the company. A hiring process should also be specific enough that you could easily compose a step-by-step outline of the entire procedure. There’s a vast difference between employing a hiring process that is broken down into measurable steps and is consistent from one hire to the next and frantically putting the pieces into motion to recruit and find an individual quickly because a job requisition just showed up in your inbox. A hiring process takes time to develop. It’s something that should have been tested and should be reevaluated and improved upon a couple times a year. A hiring process should also be specific enough that you could easily compose a step-by-step outline of the entire procedure – from pre-hire all the way to onboarding. Inspired by this Forbes article, I thought that it would be beneficial to detail two simple steps to optimizing your hiring process, especially now that we’ve laid out some useful parameters for what it means to have an actual process in place. Hiring Process Optimization Step #1 – Clearly Outline Your Job Objectives The first step in creating a hiring process that will attract the type of employees to you that will build a solid foundation. . .