Unless you’re new to the HR world, you likely know what an applicant tracking system is. But on the off chance you don’t, an applicant tracking system is an online tool that eases some of the strain you experience trying to fulfill the high stakes demands of recruiting and hiring top talent. Although the word has spread about using an applicant tracking system significantly over the years, I’ve found that there’s a lot of confusion surrounding what they do and why I think all employers should have them.
In today’s post, I thought I’d share the top three misconceptions I’ve stumbled upon since I first started in HR ten years ago:
Applicant Tracking System Myth #1 – Using an Applicant Tracking System is Too Expensive
One of the common complaints I hear from potential clients is that they can’t afford to purchase an applicant tracking system. Obviously, this concern is a valid one. Typically, the type of individuals drawn to HR tend to be very risk averse and also make very safe decisions which is extremely beneficial when navigating the compliance waters. But when it comes to stepping outside of the compliance box to make more strategic business decisions, it’s beneficial to look outside one’s comfort zone.
In business talk, wasted time equals wasted money.
Most business executives are fixated on one thing: ROI. If you are currently hiring and attempting to manually perform every step of the process, you’re probably wasting time. In business talk, wasted time equals wasted money. The key to convincing your boss that you need an applicant tracking system in your arsenal is to break the ROI down into tangible numbers.
Applicant Tracking System Myth #2 – Small Businesses Don’t Need an Applicant Tracking System
Thinking that being either a small or mid-sized employer negates needing (or rather doesn’t justify) the cost of using an applicant tracking system to manage your hiring process is one of the biggest misconceptions HR professionals hold. Here’s why. If you’re an employer that has a low budget for recruiting, then you need all the help you can get if you’re wanting to attract qualified applicants. Big corporations have a lot more money which means they likely have a lot more resources at their disposal to not only advertise their openings, but also to incentivize their employees. Big companies are technically your competitors because they’re competing with you to fill the same type of positions.
That’s not to say that small or mid-sized employers are doomed relative to quality candidates, it just means that you need as many channels as possible to push your jobs out and you need a very strategic recruiting strategy to attract the top talent necessary in order to thrive as a company. There are quite a few quality applicant tracking systems out there that are designed to suit the individual needs of small to mid-sized employers.
Applicant Tracking System Myth #3 – Bigger is Better
Our applicant tracking system is designed specifically for the employers that hire less people on a monthly basis
One of the concerns raised by our clients is that we don’t lock them into a contract and have an affordable pricing structure constructed to appeal to a wide variety of employment needs. The reason our applicant tracking system doesn’t require the same process as enterprise grade solutions is simply that if you’re a smaller or mid-level employer, much of the “special” (and costly) features of these solutions are designed for enterprise grade employers.
Our applicant tracking system is designed specifically for the employers that hire less people on a monthly basis. This allows us to offer a solution that is more customizable and helps lessen hiring pain versus overwhelming customers with a bunch of “bells and whistles” that cost a lot of extra money and don’t apply to this specific employer demographic. In this case, bigger isn’t better because it doesn’t make sense to pay for bigger “stuff” that you’re not going to use or that won’t benefit you.
Are you guilty of dooming your applicant tracking system hopes without knowing what’s out there? Let us help you figure out a solution that’s right for you. See a demo of our hiring system, so you can figure out what works best for you.